6 Reasons to Hire Professional Cleaners


Large or small, across all industries, businesses have one thing in common: all businesses need to be cleaned.

Now more than ever, cleaning and disinfection are critically important to all businesses. Recognizing this, business owners and managers are looking for solutions to keep their premises clean and safe for employees, customers, and visitors alike.

It’s not enough to simply hand out containers of disinfectant wipes to your team members and expect them to keep the workplace clean. In this uncertain time with a pandemic still looming, professional cleaning and disinfection, such as the service offered by Clean Works, is the best solution.

If that isn’t enough, below are 6 reasons why you should hire a professional cleaner like Clean Works:


    All Clean Works staff receive extensive training at a college level before they begin working at any site. They are also fitted with identifiable uniforms and name badges to make their presence on-site comfortable for everyone.

    Clean Works staff are all fully insured and bonded, so you have no need to worry about security.


    All employees are trained to manage emergencies & adhere to the guidelines provided by WHMIS, and have access to management support 24/7.


    Clean Works will be on site as per our contract and you can rely on us to perform our duties consistently and professionally. We will be there to protect your business, staff, and customers. Hiring a cleaner internally leaves you open to inevitable time off requests and unexpected absences which in turn leave your business vulnerable without cleaning or disinfection.


    Frequent inspections, including 3M’s ATP System, allow us to measure how well your high-touch points are disinfected, and we make adjustments accordingly to ensure the lowest possible levels of soiling and bacteria.


    You’re an expert in your business, we’re experts in cleaning. Allow Clean Works to worry about cleaning, while you do what you do best. There is no need to use your staff hours cleaning, we’ll take care of that and allow your team to operate efficiently.


    Clean Works is your London, Ontario local social enterprise cleaning company. We empower our staff to be their best selves. By hiring Clean Works, you’re helping us uphold our commitment to community care through social enterprise. 


Disinfectant Fogging